Month: June 2016

Why I’m ready to quit Christian radio

I have mixed feelings about Christian music. On the one hand, I’m lazy and it’s nice that I don’t have to spend much energy interpreting the music or lyrics; they’re typically pretty plain, the leftovers from last year’s mainstream pop coated in the faux cheeriness and platitudes of a new youth pastor.


How I ruined my kids’ day before 7 a.m.

Happy Friday! Here are the ways I managed to ruin a perfectly good morning and make my kids scream at me by being a monster of a human being: Ground the coffee beans. Poured the coffee. Did not allow Twin B to sit on my lap while I was in the bathroom. Used the microwave read more …


Debunk Tuesday: Three frugality tips that have it all wrong

Occasionally, YCD aims to turn common wisdom on its head. This week we’ll see why three of the most common tips from frugality blogs are nonsense. Google “how to save money” and you’ll come up with a bazillion lists of things to do to cut your expenses. Included among such nonsense suggestions as using rewards programs read more …


I hope Father’s Day sucks

Tomorrow is Father’s Day. I’ve got small kids, so there’s a chance that I’ll have a cup of coffee delivered to me in bed by a toddler. There’s a much smaller chance that I won’t step in puddles of spilled coffee once I get out of bed. My wife is very sweet, and she may have nice read more …


Who is the YCD?

I look like this most of the time.

I’m a father of four kids under the age of 5, husband to my greatest blessing, and a reborn-a-couple-of-times Christian. Professionally I'm an editor, writer, and creative consultant, but my real job is trying to be a better husband and father. I started YCD because fatherhood is really damn hard, and we don’t talk about that enough. Let's change that.

Read more about YCD.


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